Light Up 2020  | Interaction Installation, Video Sculpture | 4 mins 10 sec

Drawing inspiration from long days of quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic, Light Up 2020 is an interactive installation that uses light and video projection to reflect mundane moments at the unusual times. This project aims to explore non-linear story-telling possibilities, creating relationships and associations through seemingly unrelated short story sequences, while facilitating controlled interactivity.

Seeing the silhouette of 4 people living in a neighborhood building, the audience is given a flashlight to shine through their windows, in order to reveal the residents in full color, eavesdropping on their conversations, interactions, and observing snippets of their day-to-day life. With each small window/screen playing out as its own narrative device, this miniature installation offers an intimate, time-based experience, and an exploration of our voyeuristic curiosity as human beings.

This project was created in collaboration with Jingyao Shao.

Featured at: ITP Winter Show 2020

Click here to watch full length video documentation
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ITP Course: Intro to Physical Computing  
Instructor: Tom Igoe
Tools: Arduino, MadMapper, Adobe Premiere

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